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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Great Depression activities

Monday, January 4 - Wednesday, January 6

  • Monday: Students worked in groups to complete "Clue Sheet #1" in Google Classroom.  Once the chart was complete, the group answered 6 questions on their data.

  1. What was happening to consumer prices during the 1920s? 1930s?
  2. Which groups would be most negatively affected by the changes in prices you identified?
  3. What was the trend in the unemployment rate in the 1920s? 1930s?
  4. What was happening to spending by the federal government in the 1920s? 1930s?
  5. What events might explain government spending patterns in the 1920s? 1930s?
  6. What events occurred in the US or the world that would affect the peoples’ lives directly or indirectly in the 1920s? 1930s ? Explain that impact of two of these events.

  • Tuesday: Students finished "Clue Sheet #1" in Google Classroom.  The group then began working on "Clue Sheet #2" and answering the 3 questions based on the data they gathered.
  1. How are the overall employment trends related to income?
  2. Why was farm income depressed throughout the 1920s?
  3. What caused the trends in government spending during this time?
  • Wednesday: Stock market simulation game with the whole class and continuing to finish Clue Sheet #2

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