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Friday, September 25, 2015

Where did the founders get the ideas in the Constitution?

Two activities in Google Classroom show students where the ideas came from to form our Constitution:

  • #009 Origins of the Bill of Rights
    • Use the packet to tell which document gave us the idea for which amendment
    • Make sure to complete the reflection at the bottom of the page
  • #010 Connecting Enlightenment thinkers to the Constitution
    • Use your Enlightenment Thinkers chart to find one example of how each of the 5 thinkers influenced our Constitution.
    • Highlight the section, press "Comment" and tell which thinker influenced the idea and how
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Northwest Ordinance
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Federalists/Anti-Federalists
  • Constitution
  • Bill of Rights

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Federalists / Anti-Federalists debate AND the Bill of Rights

Federalist / Anti-Federalist Debate 

  • Federalist / Anti-Federalist chart 
    • use pages 47-49 in your textbook to complete the chart - if you do not have a book, you may find the answers online
    • Who am I? Look at the 8 people and determine which 4 are Federalists and which 4 are Anti-Federalists
  • Bill of Rights
    • Create two foldables - 5 amendments on each page  ***DUE THURSDAY 9/24***
      • Hamburger fold - 5 tabs on each sheet
      • Inside: what right do you have / picture
    • Google Classroom - Origins of the Bill of Rights assignment
FRIDAY 9/25: 
    • Declaration of Independence
    • Northwest Ordinance
    • Articles of Confederation
    • Constitution
    • Bill of Rights
    • Enlightenment Thinkers Chart
    • Constitution Chart (yellow paper) - use your Constitutional Card Sort Google Slides presentation to complete 
    • Bill of Rights foldable (2 papers - blue/pink papers)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Constitution Card Sort and Chart

Constitution Card Sort

  • On go to assignment #008.  Use the Constitution (linked to the assignment) to answer the questions in the Google Slides presentation for Constitution Card Sort.
  • When you are finished, go back to the assignment in Google Classroom to "Turn In" your assignment.
Constitution Chart

After you complete the 25 questions in Constitutional Card sort, your job is to turn them into a graphic organizer.

  1. Pick up a piece of green paper from me.  Fold it in threes and title your page.  The front/top/outside should look like this: 
  2.  The numbers correspond to the questions that were answered as part of the Constitutional Card sort.  Put the correction information about each branch next to the question number.  
  3. You are NOT just putting the answers to your questions!  In some cases, you are putting information from the question.  Be careful!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Articles of Confederation activities

Students have two activities that need to be completed covering the Articles on Confederation.

  1. Articles of Confederation Analysis - This was a partner assignment and is located on  Students should use the document with pictures to complete the grey areas of the chart.  Both of these are located on Google Classroom.
  2. Graphic Organizer of the Articles of Confederation - Students should create a graphic organizer in Google Drawing.  The assignment is posted in In your graphic organizer, you must include:

  • powers given to the state governments
  • powers given to the federal government
  • weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation
Be creative!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Northwest Ordinance activity

The Northwest Ordinance allowed the United States to acquire land and gave a set of rules on how parts of this territory would become part of the United States.  Click on the link below and answer the 10 questions on a separate sheet of paper.  Turn it in when complete.

Due: Monday, September 14

Declaration of Independence Close Reading activities

This week, students were completing Close Reading activities on the Declaration of Independence.  The first assignment was completed as an entire class, the second in a group, the third with partners, and the fourth individually.

The assignments are located on  Students should use their CPS email address to access these assignments:

Apps for both Androids and iPhones are available for Google Classroom.